I studied art history and chemistry in school - an unlikely combination, you say - and spent my professional career as a scientist and science educator.  After moving to San Diego I renewed my interest in art and took up photography. 

Artists and scientists strive to see nature with a fresh eye.  As a scientist, I've discovered how tiny molecules interact and transform their world.  As a teacher, I've helped learners use science to explore their surroundings, think logically, and reach conclusions based on their experiments.  As an artist, I think in visual, impressionistic images rather than chemical symbols and mathematical equations. 

I primarily exhibit my work in San Diego and have had one woman shows at Emory University in Atlanta and Scripps Clinic.  I am the cofounder of an art critique group for painters and a photoshoot/critique group for photographers, and give talks about art and photography at U. C. San Diego. 

I exhibit and have belonged to several art organizations in the San Diego area including the San Diego Museum of Art, Museum of Photographic Arts, Athenaeum Music and Art Library, La Jolla Art Association, San Diego Watercolor Society, Digital Art Guild, San Diego Visual Arts Network, and the San Diego Photoshop Users Group.  I have also been an "artist in the garden" during the Secret Garden Tour sponsored by the La Jolla Historical Society.

My work can be seen on the web here and in the member gallery of the La Jolla Art Association (www.lajollaartassociation.org) and at Saatchi Gallery online (www.saatchi-gallery.co.uk/photographers).

To purchase a work, please contact me at DanaBet@yahoo.com.


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Thank you for visiting my website, www.DanaLevineArt.com.  To purchase a work please contact me at DanaBet@yahoo.com.

All images and content contained within this website are copyright protected and should not be used without specific permission from the artist, Dana Levine.