| Saggital - Front$127 - $215 Blue:Orange Left:Right Reflection:noitcelfeR - n.b. In my latest model the right leg is blue with a red waist band a yellow lining and an orange side stripe (with wax pocket?) so the side view matches with . . . - The left leg is orange with a green waist band a purple lining and a blue side stripe, so from the side view it matches with . . . . etc. - All of which could be reversed for a left handed (legged?) person! - Images: Reflection:Separation:Cognition The Saggital Plane distinguishes the (radial) invertebrates from the (bilateral) vertebrates Only a still pond can reflect the changing sky Athena's mirrored shield reflects Medusa Be the first to post a comment.Here are some of the ideas that I have been exploring.
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