Summer Symphony, Magwood Park, Toronto
Summer Symphony, Magwood Park, Toronto

Gouache( Opaque Watercolor), 8" x 10", Private Collected

Summer Symphony

In the forest where the green trees sway,
A dance of colors, a bright display.
The sun peeks through, a golden ray,
Illuminating paths where shadows lay.

I wander through this wonderland,
Feeling the breeze on my face and hand.
I breathe in the fresh and fragrant air,
And marvel at the beauty everywhere.

This is my sanctuary, my escape,
A place where I can heal and shape.
My thoughts and feelings, hopes and dreams,
Flowing like the forest streams.

I thank the artist who painted this,
Jimmy Sun, who gave me bliss.
His brush strokes captured nature's grace,
And brought me to this peaceful place.

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