| | Click an image to enlarge  The following gallery contains images of my line of rigid castings. These are what I sell.  Massive Faery Tablet-2005-6  Massive tablet detail 1  Massive Tablet detail 3  Massive Tablet detail 2  Massive tablet detail 4  "Pan and Nymphs" 2006  "Orc King" 2005 $75
 "Mer" $20
 "Anubis Mummy" 2003  "Anubis Mummy" detail1 2003  "Anubis Mummy" full 2003  "Orc King" Detail 1  "Inferno" 2005  "Inferno" Detail 1  "Inferno" Detail 2  "Inferno" Detail 3  "Faery Sconce" 2005 $37
 "Faery Sconce" Detail1  "Clock" 2004 $100
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